- Look at Models- show examples of good and not-so good work
- List Criteria-make list of what counts in quality work
- Articulate gradations of quality- describe worst and best quality and fill in middle sections based on knowledge of common problems
- Practice on models- use rubric to evaluate models given to them
- Use self- and peer- assessment
- Revise- let students revise their own work
Use teacher assessment- use the same rubric as students to assess the work yourself
Creating Rubric:
Make sure the rubric is longitudinal so that the assessment tool can be used to show a students progression ( Ex: same rubric for mid-term and final evaluation)
Make sure that the students sign off on rubric before it is used (holding themselve accountable)
Demonstrating the different levels of work
When scoring, the highest score is the best and the lowest score is the worst.
What makes a good rubric:
Clarity of criteria
Distinction between Levels
Reliability of Scoring
Clarity of Expectations/Guidance to Learners
Support of Metacognition (Awareness of Learning)
Engagement of Learners in Rubric Development/Use for peer and/or self-evaluation